Osteomalacia symptoms - Soft bones

Home > Osteomalacia signs and symptoms

Common signs and symptoms of osteomalacia are bone pain, muscle pain and easy fractures of bones in the adults.

Osteomalacia affected patient shows signs and symptoms like widespread pain in the bones

The signs of osteomalacia may not be confused with arthritis pain which is the inflammation of the joints and the resultant pain.
The signs and symptoms are specific. Osteomalacia caused pain emanates from the skeletal tissue. This pain is of permanent character deep and nagging.
The pain emanates from back, hips, ribs and long bones. Pain is also caused by minor cracks (partial fractures).

Osteomalacia affected person shows signs and symptoms of weak muscles

With the pain in the bones the patients mobility decreases and the patient may also show signs of myalgia (muscle pain).
Low levels of calcium and phosphorus along with low levels of vitamin D affect muscle functions.
With reduced activity the muscle mass may decrease and muscle atrophy may set in. There can be partial or complete wasting away of the muscles.
Muscle weakness especially of the upper arms and thighs, decreases the quality of life and the sufferer experiences great difficulty in performing simple tasks like getting up from a chair or climbing a flight of stairs.

Osteomalacia affected person shows symptoms like fractures on trivial causes

Pathologic fractures may occur in osteomalacia affected person. The fractures occur during the normal routine activities.
The reason for this is that the bones have so badly demineralised that they are not able to perform normal routine functions.

Deformity in osteomalacia

The affected person may suffer from lordosis a deformed condition of the vertebrae.
There is curvature of the vertebral column in lower back giving 'swayback' appearance to the person. Deformities of the pelvis may also occur.
The gait of the patient is affected and he shows typical signs of waddling gait (myopathic gait).
The waddling is due to deformity of the pelvic girdle and also due to proximal muscles getting weak.
The osteomalacia patient sometimes may experience tetany. Uncontrolled muscle spasm and seizures are due to low serum levels of calcium.

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Current topic:
Symptoms of osteomalacia - Soft bones.

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