Category: Zinc

Zinc as an essential and important trace mineral

Zinc is a very important trace mineral essential for almost all the biological activities of human body. Half of the mineral in the human body is found in muscles. The rest is distributed throughout the body.


Zinc in nutrition and its health benefits

Zinc metalloenzymes are an important and predominant group of cellular and intracellular enzyme systems. This trace mineral is an essential component is gene transcription process with many uses in regulation of cellular growth, gene expression and cellular differentiation.


Zinc rich food sources

Zinc sources, for easy identity and comparison, can be categorized as red meats, shellfish, poultry, fish, nuts and seeds, fortified cereals and leafy vegetables. Regular meat-eaters usually have their daily zinc requirements fulfilled.


Zinc in the treatment of pediatric diarrhea

Childhood diarrhea (pediatric diarrhea) is the major cause of morbidity, undernourishment and mortality in newborns, infants, toddlers and children in developing countries. WHO (World Health Organisation) estimated that more than 1.87 million children below the age of five years died in the year...


Zinc immune system function and disease resistance

Many research studies have documented that zinc has a pivotal role in the function in immune system of human body. It has been found to increase the infection resistance in human body. Its deficiency has been associated with recurrent episodes of diarrhea in children.


Signs and symptoms of zinc deficiency

The symptoms of zinc deficiency vary widely among individuals. Zinc insufficiency manifest with multifarious indications based on the level of shortfall, food habits, gender of the patient, age group, general health status and presence of other diseases.


Side effects of excess zinc and symptoms of zinc overdose

Excess zinc and overdose levels have adverse and serious effects on our health. From food sources, people can rarely reach overdose levels. However intake of supplements in excess and use of zinc products can be harmful, leading to copper deficiency and resultant neurological damage.



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